ENIENT CHEM CO.,LTD has been devoting to provide high quality products of specialty chemicals for the production, maintenance and repair professional. Thorough understanding of your demands is the source of the innovation and improvement of us. In ENIENT, the most important question we ask is” What will be helpful if you choose us?”We search for the answer continuously, which brings us exploring spirit to discovering the new, and the better. Up to now, we invent solutions for thousands of enterprises. ENIENT products apply to the industrial, electrical, aviation, automotive & marine markets. ENIENT products could be used as essential materials in manufacturing processes. ENIENT products could be used as auxiliary materials to increase efficiency, working-life and shelf-time of equipments. ENIENT products could also be used as maintenance materials to improve safety performance of aging equipment to make it available again. For all this, we are still asking ourselves” What will be helpful if you choose us?” We are keeping forward to be a tenacious partner with a thirst to understand your challenges and solve your problems.